Bat Surveys, Ecological Consultancy, Protected Species, Ecological Appraisals, Habitat Surveys, EcIA, Bat Licence, Mitigation, Nottingham, Midlands, UK, Experts, Professional, Bats, Ecology, CIEEM, BCT, Bat Research, PEA, Bat Reports

Bat Surveys, Protected Species Surveys, Mitigation, Habitat Surveys, Ecological Appraisals

B.A.T. Ecological can help with protected species surveys, reports and mitigation, habitat assessments, ecological appraisals and impact assessments, bat call analysis, Ecological Clerk of Works, bat research and conservation, training, and arboricultural services

Rates and fees

Depending on the project and type of work, B.A.T. Ecological can offer an hourly rate, half-day or day rate, or a fixed fee. Please get in touch to discuss things or for a quotation.

Please use the form below to explain how B.A.T. Ecological might be able to help with your project, or alternatively please call or email via the details opposite. Please provide as much info as possible including specific project timescales or requirements. I will aim to get back to you within two working days.

If you are interested in working collaboratively with B.A.T. Ecological then please also get in touch.



B.A.T. Ecological Ltd. is based near Sherwood Forest in the East Midlands but operates throughout the UK

Registered address: B.A.T. Ecological Ltd., The Office, 32 Becketts Field, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, NG25 0RY

+44 (0) 7870 157022