Ecological Consultancy - Protected Species Surveys, Bat Surveys, Ecological Appraisals
B.A.T. Ecological is an independent professional practice that specialises in bat survey and consultancy work, including research, conservation, built heritage and advanced survey projects. By collaborating with a network of experienced practioners across the UK B.A.T. Ecological can also provide various other expert ecological and arboricultural services
B.A.T. Ecological
B.A.T. Ecological is an independent ecological consultancy founded by Matt Cook BSc (Hons) MSc MCIEEM in 2018. Matt works collaboratively with other experienced ecologists and arborists to deliver expert, professional support to your project.
Matt Cook
Matt is a Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. He is a consultant ecologist specialising in protected species survey and consultancy work, particularly regarding bats, but he has also undertaken various other ecological appraisal, impact assessment, reporting and project management work over the 16+ years that he has been in professional practice.
Matt has previously worked for several multi-national, multi-discipline environmental firms, including as a Principal Ecological Consultant, and he has also worked for consultancies providing bespoke ecological services. He has therefore acquired the know-how to deliver expert ecological support to a range of projects and clients having managed projects for many private developers and homeowners, and large organisations operating in the utilities, leisure, minerals, transport, residential and commercial development sectors. Matt has also worked on and managed important contracts for local and central government and charities, and has managed several projects where there are important heritage considerations (built or natural). He also leads voluntary bat research and conservation project work, including abroad.
Relevant Qualifications
Natural England advanced bat survey class licenses 1 to 4, including the use of harp traps, mist nets and acoustic lures, and radio-tagging (all UK species)
Natural England Bats in Churches Class Licence (advanced level 2)
Natural England Bat Mitigation Class Licence (formerly Bat Low Impact Licence)
Natural England HS2 Bat Mitigation Licence
Natural England European Protected Species Mitigation Licence Named Ecologist (multiple bat species and roost types)
Natural England Volunteer Bat Roost Visitor Trainer (Level 2) - currently in abeyance
Natural England great crested newt survey Class licence (Level 1)
Natural England barn owl nest inspection licence (all counties)
Natural Resources Wales bat survey licence
Isle of Man bat survey licence
City and Guilds NPTC Level 2 (CS38) tree climbing and aerial rescue
IPAF Certified MEWP Operator - Static Boom (1b), Mobile Vertical (3a) and Harness
Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Accredited
Emergency First Aid at Work
MSc Biodiversity Surveying
BSc (Hons) Geography
Current Bat Research and Conservation Projects:
Optimising the use of Acoustic Lures to catch bats
The Centre for Bat Research and Conservation, Romania
The Nottinghamshire Barbastelle Project